Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Flash S02E03 Family of Rogues

The Flash S02E03 Family of Rogues

The Flash
S02E03: "Family of Rogues"
Rating: 5 out of 10 (OK)

In A Nutshell

Sadly, I just didnt enjoy much of this weeks episode. It didnt help that it featured two of Flashs storyline Ive never really cared for; primarily firestorm, and also Captain Cold.

In a rather miss-able episode, that feels much like filler, we have Captain Colds sister turn up asking for help, and the gang having to work out how to save her head from exploding (due to a bomb) thanks to what her dad had done to her. Its all rather simple plot work, and one that feels like its keeping us from the real action regarding Earth 2. Needless to say, Cisco and the gang do save her, and thus brother Snart ends up in jail as he took revenge on his abusive dad.

That all aside, we had to deal with more of the dull Joe and his ex-wife storyline, with the classic "Ill tell Iris, but no Ill chicken out" before he does tell her. Why we need this storyline, I dont know. Feels like its all been done before with Barry and his dad etc.

Speaking of rehashed storylines, its firestorm again. After the Professor frequently states "hes ok" through the episode, you know where thats heading, and thus right at the end he "flames up" but in a blue flame instead of usual old-school orange one. He then collapses again. Sigh. I really didnt like any of the firestorm stuff last season.

But ... right at the end, we see the highlight of the episode; Doctor Wells stepping through the portal theyd just made in the lab to Earth 2. How they made the portal was quite silly and quickly done, but, who cares, Earth 2 and Wells is where the action is!

What I liked

Captain Cold at least is interesting, as a person, but little else. I do however like stage presence, which he oozes, even though hes really all about his ice gun.

Lisa Snart and Cisco was a little cute, as was Barry and and the new lady assisting Joe in the metahumans taskforce.

Anything with Earth 2s Jay in, and the last few seconds with Dr Wells.

What I Didnt Like

Captain Colds Dad storyline. Pretty dull and simple really.

Joe, ex-wife, and Iris storyline seems out of place and forced upon us.

Firestorm. Wont that storyline just go away please?

Dont quite get how after they figured out that Captain Colds dad had the head bomb controller and was using his son, that they didnt just knock him out until they got the bomb out of Lisa Snart?

Ill mention this every week, but, umm, Gideon?


Oh, look, its Barrys Ex. Now thats a brief appearance for a background charector. Shes got to feature more heavily this season youd think.


zzzzzzz, firestorm.

And Finally

A classic filler episode full of a rather simple storyline that you could easily forget all about. More firestorm? Do we need that or Joes ex-wife as B-stories? The life of customers in that coffee shop would be more interesting.

Rating: 5 out of 10

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