Few minutes ago I did one of my weekly routines - logged on with Dinker account to refresh the state of the clan and the account itself because my inactivity was the reason of the clan disappearing in the past. And then I joined KeKo to see whats going on. And there they were!
The holy 3 of Warcraft 3! Trolls, hackers and bots! Sitting all together in amazing harmony where Trolls dodge and flame without any responsibility or clue while Hackers call on their amazing skill that justifies their current rank. Without feedback, Bots are tirelessly informing Trolls and Hackers that new clan P4F (pr0z 4 fun) is looking for skilled players and that they should stay at home for the weekend because there will be two amazing tournaments called Mirror and Destiny with a prize pool from Taiwan. Here and there, a lonely RT whale who managed to grab an hour or two from family or working obligations, types with the passion of revolutionist who still believes that something will change his hopeless situation and that he will find and win that game for level 27. Of course, If he doesnt get a Troll in his team against some Hacker(s). After several caps lock attempts, he gets into hard conflict with some random Troll who told him that he would make people search for the game if he used caps lock more. Already nervous, RT seeker tries the impossible and that is to shut the Trolls mouth. He didnt know that Trolls have this ability to open their mouth really wide when you try to shut them for the first time. The more you try to shut it, the wider they will open them. And then the RT seeker made another mistake by calling Troll a Noob instead of a Troll. And then, this very hot Troll with 2/0 Night Elf solo stats asked RT seeker to take a look at the mirror and that he is Noob with his 56.8% RT stats. And then RT seeker collapsed and went offline leaving the kingdom called Keko to those who deserve to own it. To the Holy 3 of Wc3!
This story has several possible ends, tho. RT seeker either went to bed to get some sleep, or he made new account and became a Troll. The complication would be that he went on some website with cheats for PC games and downloaded some hack and became a hacker to revenge to all Trolls. The fantasy would be that he became a Bot.
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