Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Reinvention Of Ginger Rogers

The Reinvention Of Ginger Rogers

This time it will be about Ginger Rogers and how she reinvented herself. Its very interesting, well to me anyway. If you was to hear about Ginger Rogers shed most likely be referred to as a dancer. You know people would always say, Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers. But before she changed her image, her original image was that of a baby talk singer, which can be seen in a majority of films featuring Rogers from 1929-1930. If you want to see any, all you have to do is look up her early appearances.

Ginger Rogers was even given approval by Helen Kane, which can be seen in this photo taken somewhere between 1929-1930. The picture shows them hanging out together. In the full image, Ginger is playing the piano. 

Just goes to show how Gingers image really came across, she was a flapper girl. I often got Rogers mixed up with Debbie Reynolds, because to me they were so much alike, when in reality they were not. Probably because Reynolds portrayed Kane. Which is why I originally got a little confused. Not not of course I mean like several years ago. Say 2008 prior. You know when people dont do proper research on things they end up believing anything. You gotta make sure you know what you are talking about. Because if you dont, you are going to look stupid. Meaning do research, make sure what you are reading makes sense.

One major Paramount film which featured Rogers, was Office Blues which was released in 1930. Where Rogers goes on to do her baby persona which was quite popular back then it later died out as you know and was classed as being silly. Ill be blogging about old Paramount musical shorts later on and Office Blues will be one of them. Itll probably be the first which is why I am blogging about Ginger Rogers in advance, because she is another inspirational iconic woman from the past. And not much people take notice of how she changed her style. And I think people should take notice. Its very interesting how she adapted, from flapper girl to a famous dancer.

Of course Gingers voice was still high pitched but by 1933 she had completely changed her style. Which I think boosted her career. You know everyone loves a blonde. Its true!

Later on Ginger got rid of the split curls and baby talk, and in some films she dyed her hair blonde. Eventually Ginger Rogers became an iconic duo with Fred Astaire, as said above when people reference her they always say Fred & Ginger. She is best known for her RKO musical film performances. She died in 1995 aged 83. As she suffered a stroke which left her partially paralyzed. She refused to see a doctor, and never went to hospital due to her personal belief. Ginger was successful during the Golden Age of Hollywood and is often considered an American icon. She was ranked #14 on the AFIs 100 Years...100 Stars list of female stars of classic American cinema. Ginger has an official website here where you can learn all about her.

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