Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Road to Atlanta

The Road to Atlanta

Emory University School of Medicine, Psychology Building.
I made it a habit of writing about how I ended up living in different cities. However, due to relatively busier schedule, I could not write about my road to Atlanta, despite reaching here on the 10th of March, 2016, to work in Emory University School of Medicine. An internship is mandatory for my PhD, and I am happy that I joined Emory for this. The past 3 months were full of travels, due to various conferences. Since I am still mostly Europe/Portugal-based, this year, so far I have had 4 intercontinental travels. In fact, I am typing this blog post, while waiting for my flight to Lisboa, at the Atlanta airport. I will be in Lisboa and Costa da Caparica for one-week to attend EMJD-DC Summer Event.

I have lived in Portugal for almost 4 years, and it has become a second home to me. Despite not knowing the language well, still the familiarity and sense of home when I return there. It has been almost 3 months away. However, I should also mention that we are enjoying Atlanta even more - specially the current weather, my regular daily work-and-life schedule, and the food. :)

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