Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

A few days ago, I had the good fortune of being found by a former student. Since that time, Ive engaged in email correspondence with Mark, that has led me to reflect on the critical role classroom teachers play in shepherding student self-discovery.

As our students struggle to find their place in our shared world, the implications of Marks words offer important lessons for educators. Can we do anything more important than facilitate the exploration of individual passions? Is there an achievement more worthy of celebration than the discovery of ones self-worth?

With Marks permission, I hope youll see these words as the gift they were to me.


Ive whited out sections of the note to keep Marks identity private, but a side benefit, is that this anonymity will allow you to fill-in-the-blank with details from the lives of your own students. Is there a greater gift for a teacher to receive during this season of giving?

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