Friday, August 25, 2017

The Return

The Return

(The Return by Nathaniel Dorsky)


(The Return by Ezra Pound)


"What The Return...accomplished, precisely, was to shift our attention away from a search for what some dramatic character, identified or not, might be saying to something more nakedly present: what the poem before us is creating.  It is undoubtedly easiest to recognize the visual aspects of such a nakedly present creation-the picture or image the words conjure up.  Yet obviously Pounds sense of the image as an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time suggest more than the visual element stressed in his definition of Phanopoeia: a casting of images upon the visual imagination.  The intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time is well on the way to our conception of the tonal center or affect....As for The Return it is neither wholly speech nor wholly a succession of images cast upon the visual imagination.  But if we see it as a progression of tonal centers, we shall indeed find something of interest to say about it-and we shall point ourselves towards the evolution of the sequence in our century". 
-The Modern Poetic Sequence: The Genius of Modern Poetry by M.L. Rosenthal and Sally M. Gall


(The Return by Nathaniel Dorsky)

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