Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Terminator and Matrix relation

The Terminator and Matrix relation

I Imagined this after watching the all the films in matrix series few months ago (i had seen the three movies earlierbut not on a single day,watch all of them on a the same day and the feeling is totally different)few days later i watched all the movies in the terminator series too.The matrix series was not out of my mind and i thought about both the movies for the next few days ,imagining at some times what would have i done i i were Neo or John Cornor.The philosophy of Martix fascinated me ,is this world real ? (this is worth another aricle and i would not waste it here ;) ).Well as i was imagining and thinking ,i thought what if the Matrix series and the Terminator series are inter connected and this is how i connected them.

The matrix series is the next part of the terminator series.
At the end of the 4th part of the terminator series ,its shown that the humans win a small area from the machines
PHOTO ...winning scene from terminator 4
Skynet in turn increases the R&D and creates more powerful and smarter machines ,the fighting continuous and  john corner gets killed in 2032 and in subsequent battles without a strong leader the humans start loosing to the machines .The humans loose large part of their territory to machines and are confined to a small region.The latest machines of Skynet are powered by solar energy and  in a desperate last attempt to beat the Skynet the humans fill the sky with smoke ,so that the machines  turn off due to low power.The humans wanted to use this opportunity to make a surprise strike on the machines.For the humans this was their last attempt at an attack ,the humans had stretched out their last remaining resources to smoke up the skies ,the failure of this attack means sure death for all humans alive but the Skynet was prepared as its spies had picked up the information of the plan long ago ,as seen from the fourth part of the Terminator series the machines had enslaved many humans the Skynet uses the bio-chemical energy of these slaves to power up important machines.
PHOTO of slaves .............................................
In the ensuing battle most of the humans are captured and many are killed only a few are lucky enough to escape  but they did not have enough resources or the ability to fight the Skynet and its machines.The captured humans along with the slaves are put into the matrix by the Skynet where the Skynet uses their bio-chemical energy to power the machines and the humans are kept in control by keeping their mind occupied with stimulated reality of matrix. The few remaining free humans move to a underground city  far away from the reach of Skynet and its machines (it could be a deep used out mine which the humans modify as a underground city,the city would be powered by a nuclear reactor ).these humans try to bring people out of the matrix for the next 1000s of year ....without much success ....the skynet recreates the matrix many times in this process till its perfect....and every thing changes when NEO is born ....and the MATRIX series starts.

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