Sunday, August 13, 2017

The traditional Irish meal

The traditional Irish meal

Mom and Jan cooked the traditional boiled dinner with corned beef. I thought today, "What can I cook for today?" I wanted to try cooking something I hadnt cooked before.

I decided against squid. Passed on the live clams. Ah, of course. Yellow tail snapper, garlic and rosemary olives, red onion, spinach, garlic, calamonsi drink...

Update, 3/19: So much for good plans! I thought I had a sharp knife, but trying to cut through this fish was like trying to write on a Coke can with a ball point pen. When I finally got through along the top and bottom of the fish, I tried a technique I saw on a cooking show and got one good fillet from one side of the fish. But now that the fish was half as thick, it was half as stiff as it used to be, and it was tougher for me to cut straight. Those commercials make it look so easy. The second half of the fish ending up as a pile of fish bits. Eventually, I seasoned and pan fried what I had, scales and all, and the little bits tasted pretty good. I took the rest to work and fought bones and scales. So, now I have the plate of goodies minus a fish. And smelly fingers.

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