Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Meaning of My Life

The Meaning of My Life

Take me to think a few times to post this things out. What is the real meaning of my life? Now i get it...

I have a purpose in life to be a good person who is always make people happy and feel me as the one that they should never forget. I think what im purposed to be is supposed to be. I mean of a life. Meaning of my life as a warning and a "reminder" for every people that i should care.

"The Warning / Reminder Sign" : i think this is the sign for the meaning of my real life.
Why the colour should be red?
If i explain it with design concept, the colour red means to "slow down and beware of something comes around you".
The exclamation means "warning" or "reminder".

What do you mean that your life is like a warning?

I realize it when i was always found some terrible/bad condition (everytime) that people even didnt know at all. Example like, ive ever smell a smoke and found my fan burned because of electricity which noone in my house knew about it,even they were around. Another thing like, smelling gas behind my stove on the kitchen, or be the first one to know that my fathers cars tire was damaged before he leave home.
This warning thing is almost happened in my daily life. When i was think negatively, i think where i was there, i always causing something bad happened to them. But i try to think positively, and try to know that i have an ability to warned people from dangerous situation.

And how about your life as a reminder? What is it mean?

I also have an ability to remember about peoples important bussiness, work, or moment that they should be remember. I was always remember their important things when they forgot it. This thing make me as an reminder too for them and make people thinking of me as a caring person.
Actually, everyone may be dont want to remember anything about someone bussiness, cause its not important for them. I feel like that too, i didnt ever want to think about someone bussiness, but something causing me to remember about it and make a will for me (if they forgot) to inform it again to them.

When i try to think about it a few times, i realize that i was have the two abilities which mean as an important things that controlled my whole life. I think i was born to be a good person, make a good sake for everyone, help people and others. Sometimes it was boring to be a good person and i try to be bad. But something always prevent me to do this or if i have do bad things, my heart always beat up and feel not comfy at that day.

Now i found what the meaning of my life and i should continue my life with this two things "warning" and "reminder". Warning and remindering people or even myself, about things in life that we will never know when its happen and when it should be pay more attention with.

So, do you have found the meaning of your life?
Just think about it twice and think positively~=]

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