Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The must know 10 rules of drug use

The must know 10 rules of drug use

Use of Drug
I will continue with the set of rules, to "educate" readers about health care. This time, 10 rules for safer drug use:
# 1: Talk to your primary care physician of all medications you are taking

The aim of the discussion is that you and your doctor to keep a continuous record of all medications you use, the purposes for which they are used, adverse reactions, if the medication is working, and other essential information for the safest and a more effective use of these products. It will be better if you also tell your doctor about over-the-counter (OTC) that you are taking.
# 2: Make sure that drug treatment is really necessaryWhen possible, the changing lifestyle is better to be tried before resorting to drug therapy. Some of the psychological problems are best for dealing with psychotherapy.
# 3: if indicated drug therapy, in most cases, especially in the elderly, it is safer to start with a dose that is lower than the usual adult doseStart low, go slow. A lower dose causes fewer side effects, which are almost always related to the dose. Increase the dose slowly and only if necessary, to achieve the desired effect.
# 4: When you add a new medicine, see if you can cancel another drugIf your doctor is considering adding a new drug, this is an opportunity to re-evaluate existing drugs and eliminate those that are not absolutely essential. The possibility of an adverse interaction between the new drug and one of the above can lead to cease or change the use of a drug.
# 5: Stopping a medication is as important as the beginningAt least every 3-6 months, check regularly with your doctor the need to search all drugs taken. For many mind-drugs as sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antidepressants, and antibiotics, this re-evaluation should be more frequent and earlier. Many of the adverse drug reactions were caused by drugs continue to be used long after they are needed. Many medications, such as antidepressants, sleeping pills, tranquilizers and others who are prescribed for a serious problem does not require more than a short period of time and cause of danger without providing benefits. Slow and careful weaning these drugs can significantly improve the health of the user.
# 6: find out if adverse drug reactionsIf you develop any side effects after you start using any medication, contact your doctor immediately!
# 7: suppose each new symptom develops after starting a new drug may be caused by the drugSame with Rule # 6, contact your doctor if you have a new symptom.
# 8: Before leaving the office or pharmacy doctor, make sure that the instructions for taking the medication, it is clear that you and a family member or friendDo not be afraid to look stupid. It important that you know about the medicines you are taking.
# 9: Remove all old drugs with careNo, never, give medications, such as antibiotics, to a friend or family member who is supposed to benefit. Drug treatment is individualized, and drugs that are the profit that could harm your friend or relative. Keep the medication in a secure place, and carefully discard old medications can also prevent children make. And dangerous to let children have access to them, how could they take it as a candy.
# 10: Talk to your primary care physician to coordinate your care and drug useIf you see a specialist and he or she wants to start with new drugs, as well as those who are, consult your physician first. It is also important to use a pharmaceutical, if possible.

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