Monday, August 14, 2017

The official Resistance Fall of Man site opens

The official Resistance Fall of Man site opens

The official Resistance Fall of Man site opened up (thats one ugly URL) and its not your typical, "our game is friggin sweet, check us out!" type of site. From the site itself you can read up on the alternate history that Resistance Fall of Man takes place in. It has a long timeline of only the first third section of events or so you can view, the rest are "classified". The history items you can view arent anything too spectacular just yet. Its basically, boring history item, boring history item, something crashes into the earth, boring history item, boring history item, weird weather happens, boring history item, boring history item, fisherman catch more fish than usual...and it goes on like that for a few more clicks. More will probably be accessible the closer we get tot he PS3 launch so its something to keep an eye on. Im hoping the Ratchet and Clank makers knock this one out of the park since everything Ive seen/read about this game so far, just looks/sounds so damn cool. I probably wont get to play it for at least 6 months to a year which is when im hoping the Playstation 3 will come down in price a touch and this title will hopefully be sitting on the "greatest hits" rack.

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