Sunday, August 20, 2017

The reason why Blueserver is down and close

The reason why Blueserver is down and close

"Sorry for the late announcement about what is going on. And Thanks for concerning and supporting for Blueserver. Many of the Blueserver players might wondering why the server stopped its normal operations. Since SMM Sdn. Bhd. our primary sponsor had stopped paying the hosting service fee of RM1,500 per month for 3 months our hosting guy IP ServerOne had no choice but to pull the servers out from the rack. I guess SMM and our community have very different visions in the gaming industry. At here, we as the first DotA community in Malaysia deeply appreciate the grateful and generous help and support from SMM Sdn. Bhd. in the past. And also thanks for the netizens at for your cheerful comments and support.There are plans for re-launching Blueserver. However our teams are still discussing to make it a better start. Please stay with us. Blueserver will be the place for real gamers to meet once again. " from blog.

RM1,500 per month I think should be ok if all the loyal blueserver member do some donation right. Im sure a lot of loyal Blueserver member would like to lend a helping hand to save the best ever Dota server in Malaysia - Blueserver (where the real gamer meet). Maybe Megablue can do a raise fund program for Blueserver to gather for each year annual fees which is RM18k. Then every year raise one time XD GG~

Please when re-open the new server, I hope that the registration will open again and all the banned player account will deleted permanently! Muahahahahahahahaha ,...,

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